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Writer's pictureJulie Cabacungan

Artist Statement #2

For this project, I titled my Soundscape "Whether the Storm". Throughout this project, I was largely inspired by the short film "Bao". In the short film, a story is told and communicated through visual art and no dialogue. I wanted to be able to communicate a story without dialogue, and simply through the use of sounds. From there, I focused in on the specifics of my story. I wanted the soundscape to communicate a rough, conflict driven, turbulent beginning that led to a soft and easy-going resolution. In my piece, the sounds begin somewhere chaotic. They introduce feelings of a storm that cannot be controlled that you then decide to wait out. The point of my soundscape was to take the listener on a auditory journey. There is a clear indication about a third of the way through the sound that the "storm has passed" and they have entered the calm after the storm. Similar to conflict and resolution, this sound similarly resembles feelings of a fight or disagreement between two people which then leads to their reunion once they realizes this fight is not worth the love they share. Throughout the process, I had a lot of fun experimenting with the sounds that our class put together in the sound file. For this being my first time working with Audition, I learned a lot when it came to mixing tracks and adding effects and smooth transitions. A lot of the work was very tedious and forced me to work on the specifics of each track, constantly checking back after adding a new edit or sound. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of my track and I feel like it accurately communicates the story that was intended while forcing the listener to be curious and and raise questions. For me, art is meant to be something that we are constantly questioning and thinking conceptually about and I think I nailed it!

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